Our Beliefs

Ascension follows the teaching of the Holy Scripture, firmly accepting the Bible as God’s inerrant Word, teaching and confessing the truth proclaimed by God through His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. 

We are guided in our interpretation of the Scriptures by the Lutheran Confessions as contained in the Book of Concord, to which we unconditionally subscribe. 

More About What We Believe



Interested in becoming a member of Ascension Lutheran Church? 

Whenever you have any questions about the church, what we believe, or have a special need, please contact the church office at (260) 486-2226 and ask to talk with the pastor. 

Pastor Gier and Pastor Zieroth conduct instructional classes regularly for those who want to join Ascension or have children in Ascension Lutheran School. 



Saved by Grace

Ascension Lutheran Church exists to serve all with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and help them realize their potential as a faithful disciple. 

We do this by providing opportunities for the instruction in the Word and through the Sacrament, as well as educational programs and fellowship opportunities in which they can personally be involved with the building up of Christ’s Kingdom. 


Living by Faith

As God’s people, the members of Ascension Lutheran Church live as brothers and sisters in Christ. We are redeemed by God, and by His grace, we are made His own people, that we might live our lives for Him on earth and finally in His kingdom in heaven. 

We live in our baptismal faith -- partaking of Word and Sacrament as forgiven saints in His kingdom. We are called, gathered, enlightened, and sanctified that we might be God’s people here in time and, hereafter, in eternity. No one is perfect in this life, but we are forgiven to live together as brothers and sisters who live in the love of God.

In the sacred liturgy, we give thanks and sacrifice to God for these gifts with prayers of thanksgiving and praise, hymns of worship that proclaim His glory. In all of this, we are triumphant over sin by the grace of God, through faith in Christ Jesus by His Holy Spirit.  

About Ascension's History


Serving Others

Ascension Lutheran Church is a place where you can discover a new life in Christ, fellowship with like-minded believers, and find instruction in solid biblical teaching.

Ascension is  a church that embraces change, but values tradition. Ascension is a place where you and your family can worship God together.



Frequently Asked Questions

What is your church building like?

Warm and friendly. We have expanded – a new sanctuary was completed and dedicated on June 13, 2010.  Our day school is also a part of our building and includes a large gymnasium. The structure is brick, respectful but not imposing and handicapped accessible. 

What will everyone be wearing?

When you step into Ascension you will find people dressed in jeans, suits, skirts, dresses and everything in between. It doesn’t matter what you wear - just that you’re here.  

How long will worship last?

Our worship services generally last about one hour. 

What about kids?

We love having kids in worship, and each week in both services we have many children from our preschool and grade school. If you are not comfortable with your child in worship or if your child is particularly wiggly, we have a Little Lambs room that is glassed off from the main sanctuary with a speaker so that families can see and hear the worship service.


Will I be able to follow the service?

We follow the Order of Service printed in the new Lutheran Service Book (2006) and a printed bulletin with an outline of the service available from an usher at the sanctuary door. There should be no surprises and you should be able to easily follow along. Someone nearby will be happy to help if you lose your way during the service. 


What about Sunday School or Bible class?

Adult Discipleship Class and Sunday School for preschool through Grade 8 is available between services, beginning at 9:30.


May I Take Communion?

The Lord’s Supper is the participation in the actual Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, the New Covenant, whose blessings are received through faith. This is a meal for those who comprehend the mystery of the Supper through instruction in God’s Word and who can then publicly confess their unity of faith with us at the altar. 

More about our Communion practices: Holy Communion is a participation in the very Body and Blood of the Lord, Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 10:16), in which the forgiveness, life, and salvation of Christ are imparted to us. However, this great blessing can likewise be a judgment against one who does not acknowledge and hold in faith this truth and so does not properly discern the very Body and Blood of Christ present in this Sacrament (1 Cor 11:27-29). For this reason, proper instruction and preparation are necessary for a worthy and blessed reception.

Therefore, in proper care of souls, it is the Pastor’s duty as a steward of God’s mysteries (1 Cor 4:1-2) to prepare and know the faith, life, and confession of those he communes, so as to faithfully administer the Sacrament and assure a blessed reception. At Ascension, all Communicant Members are those who have received such instruction and have been Confirmed in the Christian faith as confessed in the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

If you are a Communicant Member of a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) congregation, or of a Lutheran Church body in declared fellowship with the LCMS, and would like to commune at Ascension, please contact the Pastor before your visit, or fill out a Guest Communion Card.
