School COVID Policies and Procedures


(Updated: January 21, 2022)

Ascension's Board of Christian Education approved the school's COVID policies for the school year on July 29, 2021. The full policies and procedures are included below. Here are a few quick main points...

At Home Health Screening Checklist: Refer to the daily At-Home Health Screening Checklist (linked below) as a guide to know what symptoms to look for and make decisions about when to stay home from school.

Masks: Masks will no longer be required, however, students and staff are welcome to wear one if their family prefers them to do so.

Social Distancing: We will continue to practice social distancing in classrooms, chapel, and hallways.

Contact Tracing: Faculty and students will be considered a close contact when they are within 3 feet for more than 15 minutes of someone who tests positive for COVID-19. Quarantine will be used for students, teachers, and staff who might have been exposed to COVID-19. Close contacts, identified through contact tracing, should be quarantined unless they have tested positive in the last 3 months, and do not have any symptoms. Close contacts must quarantine for 7 days and may return on day 8 with a negative COVID test. Close contacts may return on day 11 without testing.

Cleaning and Sanitizing: We will continue enhanced cleaning protocols similar to last school year. High touch surfaces in classrooms and all communal areas will continue to be washed with hospital grade cleaning products. Students and staff will use hand sanitizing stations which are located around the school and at the entrance of each classroom.

In Detail: 

Ascension's 2021-2022 COVID-19 Policies and Procedures 

Diligence. Ascension will continue to be diligent in staying up to date on the Indiana Department of Health and the Allen County Non-Public School Association recommendations.  Our pledge to our Ascension families remains unchanged.  We will provide a Christ-centered high-quality education for your child; we will provide as safe an environment as possible for your child; and, finally, we will find the balance between prudence and practicality in order to be in session. 

Vigilance. Our plan heading into this school year will require a balance of preparation on the part of Ascension and also from our families.  We both must be committed to certain changes in our routines and procedures in order to provide that delicate balance of safety for the families and staff of Ascension, along with the practicality of what we can expect students, teachers, and our families to do. We believe that our protocols strike a balance of safety without fear and trusting in Our Creator. This plan requires us all to be vigilant in monitoring our health--including the health of students, family members, faculty, staff, and their families.  It requires us to make the difficult decision of staying home when ill and of keeping children home when they show symptoms of illness.  Refer to the daily At-Home Health Screening Checklist here as a guide to know what symptoms to look for. Ascension’s handbook requires any student to be fever free (100) for 24 hours without medication.  

Fidelity.  Remain faithful in your worship; faithful in your devotional lives; faithful in your prayer; faithful in your witness and sharing of your faith with your children.  While we move forward--with diligence, vigilance, and fidelity--we do not do so fearfully.  We do so confidently and boldly, trusting in the sound advice and counsel of our leaders and medical experts, yes, but even more, trusting in the sovereignty and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who will be responsible for any contact tracing if Ascension has a confirmed COVID case?

If any member of our school community contracts COVID, the Allen County Department of Health will assume control of any contact tracing to make sure that we can work together to contact anyone who may need to quarantine according to Department of Health guidelines.  

What happens if there is a COVID case at Ascension or within an Ascension family?

  1. Each case is handled differently, on a case-by-case basis.  Fundamentally, these things will happen and/or are assumed in each case:
  2. Faculty and students will be considered a close contact when they are within 3 feet of someone who tests positive for COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes. 
  3. Quarantine will be used for students, teachers, and staff who might have been exposed to COVID-19. Close contacts, identified through contact tracing, should be quarantined unless they have tested positive in the last 3 months, and do not have any symptoms. Close contacts must quarantine for 5 days and may return on day 6 if asymptomatic. If symptoms develop, students will need to stay home and follow step three below for isolation guidance. 
  4. Those who have tested positive for COVID-19 or who have symptoms of COVID will quarantine for 7 days and be able to return to school on day 8,  as long as symptoms are improving and they have been fever free for 24 hours with no medications. 
  5. Quarantine begins on the day after symptoms are present. 

Will my child be required to have a face covering (mask) during the school day?

Masks will no longer be required, however, students and staff are welcome to wear one if their family prefers them to do so.

Will the COVID-19 vaccine be required?

No, the COVID-19 vaccine will not be required.

Enhancing Faculty, Staff, Volunteer Ability to Wash and/or Sanitize



Ascension uses hospital-grade cleaning products that comply with Federal and State regulations concerning safety and sanitation. Staff will be trained on effective methods of cleaning and disinfecting work areas and time schedules for cleaning.

Additional school staff will increase daily cleaning and disinfecting of restrooms, water fountains, and communal areas.

Ascension has hand sanitizer stations in the hallways near classroom entrances. Students and staff will use hand sanitizer when entering and exiting and exiting classrooms. 

Students will be taught proper hand washing technique and proper application and use of hand sanitizer.  Students and staff will be encouraged to wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds.  

Additional key times to encourage hand washing: 

  • immediately after removing gloves,
  • after contact with someone who may be sick,
  • after blowing one’s nose, coughing or sneezing,
  • before and after using shared resources,
  • before and after preparing food.

Classes will have scheduled breaks for the purpose of hand washing and use of sanitizer.

There will be scheduled, intentional, daily cleaning of common-use spaces and items (bathrooms, doorknobs, countertops, technology devices, other common areas, etc.) and shared classroom items.

Classrooms/work areas will be cleaned after each use. Students will wipe down their areas as they are able, and teachers/staff will be responsible for cleaning their work areas.


Social Distancing 


  1. Desks/workspaces will be arranged to allow for increased space between students.  Students will face the same direction when seated.
  2. Assigned seating charts will be kept when possible.
  3. Students will be socially distanced in chapel.
  4. Passing in the hallway will still be kept at a minimum, keeping in mind that the amount of time students pass each will always be under 15 minutes.
  5. Classes may be mixed together at recess when outside but will be kept separate when indoors.


Nutrition Services


  1. PPE will be utilized by all food service staff preparing and/or serving food.
  2. No Self-serve items will be permitted.
  3. Food sharing will be strongly discouraged.


  1. Students will eat lunch in their classrooms.
  2. Lunch staff will deliver hot lunches and/or milk to students in their classrooms.
  3. Students will wash/sanitize their hands before and after eating.


  1. Water fountains will be open and cleaned often.
  2. Individual water bottles are encouraged.


Strategies Used to Limit Students/Staff from Congregating in One Area


  1. All Visitors PLEASE use Entrance #1 ONLY (the circle drive).
  2. All visitors will be required to schedule their visit in advance and check in at the office.
  3. Accurate records of people entering the building will be kept including purpose and locations in the building to which they had access.


  1. At Ascension, we consider ALL parents to be “volunteers” of their time and talents as part of the vital church, home, school connection. We maintain an open-door policy for parents to have access to teachers and school staff. We want you to know that if you need to meet with a staff member or teacher, you are welcome and we’ll make sure you have access.
  2. As with prior years, any volunteer in the building must submit a background check in the school office prior to volunteering.
  3. Volunteers must check in at the office and are asked to use only the office area (coordinating with the church secretary), the narthex entrance space, and/or the school library space.


  1. Field trips will be allowed.
  2. We will require social distancing in vehicles and therefore will require extra drivers.
  3. School wide assemblies and special events during the school day will occur if we can keep social distancing protocols.


  1. The morning and afternoon extended care programs will follow the health protocols and guidelines which are followed by staff and students during the school day.
  2. Cleaning and social distancing will be implemented.
  3. After School Care Pick up: In order to let the Extended Care Supervisor know that you are at school and ready for your child to be sent to your vehicle, please call 486-2226  and wait in your vehicle for your child to come out of the building. As needed, parents may meet their child(ren) outside at Door#13 to walk them to the vehicle.


  1. Ascension will follow guidance and recommendations that are set forth by the Lutheran Schools Athletic Association regarding safety procedures during practices and games.
  2. Contact tracing will be implemented as necessary.
